Self help assistance is primarily meant for helping
people to recover their distracted mind and physical fitness by using digital
study materials. Observation reveals that men are hesitant to seek counseling
than women. Men and women in general have one or more sickness which does not
attract immediate medical care. Some of the sickness, they do not like to
unveil even to their close associates.
Any form of
illness, the best remedy is the help of a trained person like a Doctor. Majority
of the people are struggling for time and are not able to find time for
consulting. Further they don’t feel like having any sickness. They are unaware
of the existence of self help assistance
and how to utilize it for coming back to normality. People who closely
associate themselves are unaware of other person’s illness.
problems affected and leading to the ill health of mind and especially body can
be cured with thorough training. Digital products in the form of self help assistance are available for
their help to wipe out pieces of annoying complaints from the body as well as